June 23 Newsletter

Revd Jenny Bland (and the soon-to-be Revd Chad Chadwick)

Hello, it’s Revd Jenny here and I wanted to check that you’d heard our very exciting news… that All Saints Church is getting a curate! Our new curate will be ordained in Peterborough Cathedral at 4pm on the 25th June, and we are so looking forward to welcoming him to our community and to our church family. I’ve invited him to introduce himself to you this month, so here’s a piece from our curate-to-be…


Hi, I’m Chad. In June this year I’ll be starting my curacy at All Saints Church in Earls Barton (a curate is a trainee vicar). I’m 44 years old and I live in Chelveston (East Northants) with my wife (Steph) and our 9-year-old twins. I have a full-time ‘day job’, training churches how to engage with younger generations. Alongside this I feel called to be a 'self-supporting Minister' (which means I won't get paid), and will continue to live in Chelveston, driving over to Earls Barton a few times each week.


Recently, I was reflecting that church is a bit like a drystone wall. Over the last few years, I’ve managed to reclaim about 20 tonnes of Northamptonshire stone; eventually I had enough to build a large wall right around our garden. Dry-stone walling is a forgotten craft in many communities, quick and expensive methods have taken its place. Traditional dry-stone walls are built using natural materials that are found locally, no mortar is needed to hold it together. Every stone is vital, from the little ‘wedges’ that keep the big ones steady, to the hidden ‘through-stones’ that hold the wall together. I think church is a bit like this, we are all odd-shaped stones, we need one another in community, with Jesus as our cornerstone (Ephesians 2:20). 

This is why I’m looking forward to coming to Earls Barton as a curate, to get stuck in to building God’s community with you. Most of my experiences of leading church have been in ancient woodland and country parks (I run something called Forest Church), or in local pubs and schools, so it will be a very different experience leading worship in a traditional building!


I have a wide variety of interests and hobbies, from gardening and archaeology, to rugby (Saints), football (Arsenal) and ballet. I love learning about (and drinking) wine, and have been a big fan of New Lodge Vineyard for many years, in fact it was one of the reasons I jumped at the chance to be a curate in Earls Barton! Most of all I love helping new people to discover God's love for themselves, so I can’t wait to be with you.

Will you pray this prayer with me?

Father God, thank you for the people around us that give us strength when we feel weak, thank you for the way you build community, holding us together in your love. Help us to reach out to those that are in need, those that don’t quite fit in and those that are lonely, so that they know that they are a loved and valued part of your family.


If you don’t usually go to church, I’d love to hear from you, I’m always up for a coffee (chad.chadwick@peterborough-diocese.org.uk). Chad (soon to be Curate - All Saints, Earls Barton)

What’s on at All Saints Church?

Midweek Worship

Every Wednesday - 9:30am Holy Communion and 8:30pm Compline (or Night Prayer).

On the first Wednesday of the month there is a short service of Holy Communion in the Church Hall at 3pm followed by refreshments - everyone is welcome, we always have new people joining us.

Sunday Services

4th - 9am Holy Communion, 10am All Age Service, 6pm Evensong and 7pm refreshments for 7:30pm Prayer and Praise.

11th - 10am Holy Communion with Baptism

18th - 10am Holy Communion and 7:30pm Youth Group

25th - 10am ‘Church Under The Trees’ (outdoor church with Holy Communion) and 4pm Chad’s ordination at Peterborough Cathedral.

Everyone is welcome to join us for our services and we warmly encourage children. We have an area with books and toys for families or JaM (Jesus and Me) our children’s group, runs on Sundays in term-time too. Refreshments are served after every Sunday service in the Church Hall.


June Events and Seasonal Services

10th - Plant Swap 10am-12pm All Saints Churchyard and Church Quiet Day (prayer stations and open church for reflection 10am-4pm

11th - ‘Bring and Share Lunch’ - join in from 12pm in the church hall for a church and community lunch.

18th - 7-8:30pm - Youth Group for those in Earls Barton who are 10-16yr olds and interested in exploring faith. Contact myself or Sarah Howes for more information: howes_africa@yahoo.com

25th June at 4.00 pm in Peterborough Cathedral – Ordination of our new Curate Chad.


Please pray for…

Chad as he prepares for ordination and joins our ministry team and for Ellis, Sophia, Emma, Gabrielle as they are baptised this month. Please also pray for all those behind the running and success of EB Carnival, that it would be a wonderful day for our community. Thank you!


Christian Bookclub at Earls Barton Primary School,

Wednesdays 3.30 to 4.30pm in term time.

If you are interested in supporting this Diocesan initiative, please contact Simon Elvin for more details.



For Sale – free or donation to All Saints

Two very good Britax car seats with adjustable headrest, good condition, used for grandchildren, never in a road accident. 

Each for child 15 to 36kg. 

Free or donation to All Saints.

Can be seen by arrangement in Northampton Road EB. 

(Please contact Jill Timms if you are interested, who will contact this lady in church.)

jill.timms@btinternet.com or 01604 810051


Fantastic Fairtrade news: 

Our celebratory recipe evening in May raised £1088 for Transform Trade! Many, many thanks to everyone who cooked, helped & to the 60 people who bought tickets & supported the event.

And more good news: some of the former team from the former Traidcraft business have now launched a new company 'We Are Fairtrade' so we're looking forward to working with them as they build up their stock and grow.

We’re looking forward to our June Fairtrade Café as will be joined by ‘The Daylight Centre’ charity who will be raising funds for their work with people experiencing homelessness & other challenges in the Wellingborough area. There will be a tombola, & some pre-loved items for sale including baby clothes. So hope you can join us and support 2 wonderful causes on:

Saturday 10th June 10am – 1pm

Fairtrade Café & Secondhand Booksale  plus the Daylight Centre fundraiser

Keep popping in to see our new stock as we're open every Saturday 10 -1…lots of  tasty groceries & beautiful gifts  & cards.  Enjoy chatting, browsing our products, & fresh coffee & yummy homemade cakes… Everyone welcome!   Email: nicky_smithseb@yahoo.co.uk     07812 686944


Wild@Saints - we're in the growing season now and hope everyone is enjoying seeing all the lovely flowers & trees being enjoyed by bees, butterflies, birds...It's also when we are busy maintaining and developing our wild-friendly churchyard so if you can spare some occasional help, please do contact us! We usually meet on the first Sunday of the month & some Monday evenings over the summer. Thank you, Bob & Nicola Smith 07891 413890

Quiet Day: 'For the Love of Trees'  All Saints Church   Saturday 10th June 10am - 3pm

Drop in to All Saints Church to:

Look at the inspirational pictures on display

Sit quietly for as long as you like

Light a candle for someone you care about

Write a prayer request

Do something creative in our craft corner



....and it's Great Big Green Week 10th - 18th June....a time to celebrate and care for our beautiful planet


July 23 Newsletter


May 23 Newsletter