January 24 Newsletter

A Message from our Vicar, Revd. Jenny Bland

Emmanuel - God with Us

This year I am really delighting in and paying attention to the word or name ‘Emmanuel’ when it surfaces in our seasonal Bible readings or Christmas carols. For all its popularity in December/January, the word actually only appears four times in the Bible; three times in the Old Testament, (in the book of Isaiah), and once in the New Testament (in Matthew’s Gospel as he recalls the prophecy of Isaiah), so it’s certainly rare yet it appears as central in the seasons of Advent, Christmas and Epiphany.

If you’re an avid carol singer, you may have noticed that it can also be spelled as “Immanuel”, which is a closer likeness of the Hebrew spelling which would have been in the Old Testament, whereas spelling with an ‘E’ is closer to the Greek of the New Testament. All fascinating, but what gets to me is how this word came to be.

The truth is this is not a word really, it is a name, a name born from a promise which the prophet Isaiah tells us about. He speaks and writes about a saviour who is to come, one who will restore things, people and order to how it was supposed to be. He will be a fulfilment of God’s promise to save his people. Isaiah writes, ‘Therefore the Lord himself will give you a sign: The virgin will conceive and give birth to a son, and will call him Immanuel.’, Isaiah 7:14.


700 years later after Isaiah spoke and wrote these words for the first time, that promise came into the world in flesh and blood. He was given the name Jesus, meaning ‘the Lord is salvation’ or ‘saviour’, yet his people called him Emmanuel, which means God with us, or taken from the Hebrew, Immanuel—“Immanu” (with us) and “El” (God).

His people still call him Emmanuel today, and his name is true. Jesus is the one who saves us from living harmfully self-focused ways, he is the one who reminds us that God is with us always. His name and his life is a prophecy and a promise fulfilled which is not just true at Christmas, but always.


A prayer you might like to pray: 

You have come to us, you are alive in us, our Lord, Emmanuel. Loving God, at the start of this new year, fill me again with your Spirit of courage, compassion, kindness and joy. Thank you that you gave to us your son, so that what is broken might be mended and what is empty might be restored. Amen.

What’s on at All Saints Church?

Midweek Worship

Every Wednesday - 9:30am Holy Communion

On the first Wednesday of the month there is a short service of Holy Communion in the Church Hall at 3pm followed by refreshments - everyone is welcome, we always have new people joining us.


Sunday Services

7th - 9am Holy Communion, 10am All Age Service (Epiphany) 6pm Evensong

14th - 10am Holy Communion

21st - 10am Holy Communion

28th - 10am Holy Communion

Everyone is welcome to join us for our services and we warmly encourage children. We have an area with books and toys for families or JaM (Jesus and Me) our children’s group, runs on Sundays in term-time too. Refreshments are served after every Sunday service in the Church Hall.


January Events and Seasonal Services
14th - Youth Group, 7-8:30. This group is for those in Earls Barton who are 10-16yr old and interested in exploring faith. Contact myself or Sarah Howes for more information: howes_africa@yahoo.com

15th - 8pm Pints of View, a meet up for all who love asking big questions of life and faith. We meet in the back bar at The Old Swan every month, all welcome, drop in or stay and chat. 

20th - Intercessions Training Day, 10am-12pm at St Nicholas’ Church, Great Doddington. A time for members of Wellingborough Deanery to learn or refresh skill in leading prayers of intercession. Contact Revd Jackie Buck to book or find our more: jackiebuck@hotmail.co.uk

21st - Young Adults Group, 7-9pm, a time to meet, eat and be together for those exploring faith in their 20s-40s. Contact allsaints.earlsbarton@outlook.com for more information.


Please pray for…

The PCC and leaders of our church as we enjoy an away day together and ask God about a vision for our church and community. Please also pray for all the clergy and church officers in Wellingborough Deanery as they plan how to share the good news in 2024.


A Message from Derek Bish, our Church Treasurer

Hebrews 13:16 says: And do not forget to do good and to share with others, for with such sacrifices God is pleased.
It has been the practice for many churches to give away a portion of the donations they receive to charities and other good causes. The PCC at All Saints decided that we should distribute 5% of the donations received to three charities: one local – The Daylight Centre in Wellingborough, one national – Christians Against Poverty (CAP) and one international – Tearfund. For the last two years, we have sent just over £1000 to each of these. Here are a couple of responses we have received: from the Daylight Centre; “We cannot put into words how truly grateful we are to receive such amazing support from All Saints Church, it can provide so much needed support to our Clients and the local community of whom are experiencing food poverty.” From CAP; “You're playing a huge part in transforming lives across the UK. Every year, our local church-based services get to share the hope of Jesus, and many respond to the gospel.”
We would like to give away 10% (a tithe) of our voluntary donations, but whilst we continue to struggle to balance our annual budget, this is not possible. We rely on your generosity in order for us to be generous to others. Please continue to think and pray about your giving – whether it is monthly or one-off.  


Please remember also, that we are due for a change of the charities we support in the Annual Parochial Church Meeting in 2024 (after 2 years) so get thinking about nominations for local, national, international charity before then.


Spotlight on: All Saints Youth Group – A Mini-interview with Sarah Howes

Our youth discipleship group has been flourishing in faith, friendships and number. We began the group in March meeting in homes or the vicarage once a month on a Sunday evening for food, games and discussion around the Youth Alpha material. Last Sunday we had a Christmas special with an extended time of sharing a meal together (provided by Lorna Foray), Christmas themed games and a time of reflection on the meaning of Christmas. In January we will be exploring ‘Who is the Holy Spirit’ and ‘How can I be filled?’ in the church hall with a meal together and worship.

What is the best thing about the youth group?

Seeing the young people feel more and more comfortable to ask very real questions about faith and God and seeing everyone having fun playing games (Pictionary is a favourite!).

How have the young people been growing in faith? 

The young people have been growing in faith by exploring the youth alpha material, asking questions and learning the basics of the Christian faith.

What is their favourite snack?

We have so many lovely snacks provided by Lorna Foray, they seem to like the cakes the most!

How can people help?

If anyone would like to help with the group by either coming along to serve refreshments, or general helping with the games and discussion that would be great. A current DBS with the church would be required- support available. Please speak to Jenny or Chad initially.

What can we pray for?

For the young people as they continue to explore faith and increased depth of friendships in the group.


A Message from Charlotte Nobbs
Thank you to all those who contributed to sharing the Nativity story with children and families who might not otherwise hear it.  It was wonderful to see our positive, encouraging and welcoming team to the Experience Christmas for the Year 2’s and Year 3’s from Earls Barton Primary and received such lovely thanks from Ms Lally (the headteacher) and staff. The children were engaged and we had some lovely conversations with them about what they thought and believed.  They brought so much life.  The visit from King’ Meadow Primary was so moving - these children come with many needs and responded to our team, to the different seasons so beautifully.  One of their teachers sent this message: 

"You and your team did a great job today.  Every teacher said it was obvious that you had put so much effort in to make this a meaningful experience.  I think the effort alone blew them away because it says ‘WE CARE”.  Today we made the church, as in who we are, look good, interesting and attractive. Personally, I like the way the gospel was clearly but appropriately weaved in with the story.  It was not overbearing or so subtle that it was missed but well balanced and crafted… Thank you,”


The Puppet show team have been wonderful - especially Hannah and Adam as our puppeteers at the Christmas Tree Festival and B1BS & BOBS, Mary with her wonderful engagement with the puppets at Earls Barton Primary with the Reception school, and Simon with his voices from around the world.  It is wonderful to see the children and their adults so involved with the story of Jesus’ birthday.  

Also, thank you to all those who have delivered cakes, biscuits and chocolates to the school - they are always received with such thanks, and have been so important for us to let them know that we care and want to bless what they are doing for our children in Earls Barton.


If you would like to take a couple of biscuit boxes into school, or bake some cakes, or take in some chocolates in the second week of January, please let Charlotte know.  We send treats in about 4 times a term, and it is a great way of sharing our hospitality and love with the hard working staff of Earls Barton Primary School.  

Charlotte’s number is 07772816990 


Fairtrade News 

Happy New year & Happy new habits!

In January we give sometimes give ourselves some very tough challenges, which can feel a bit negative & demoralising. Perhaps your new habit could be to shop more sustainably in 2024 so you might want to eat more fairly traded & organic food, drink more fairtrade teas & coffees, reduce your waste. So perhaps we can encourage you to respond to challenges with a few positive ideas when we reopen on 6th January…we should have a few new year offers that day too so do pop in!


Our first Fairtrade Café of 2024 & Secondhand Booksale

Saturday 14th January

with The Wildlife Trust

…lots of tasty fairly produced groceries & beautifully ethical gifts  & cards.  Enjoy chatting, browsing our products, & fresh coffee & yummy homemade cakes… Everyone welcome!

Email: nicky_smithseb@yahoo.co.uk     07812 686944

Wild@All Saints News:

The Wildlife Trust are coming to All Saints! Do please join us 10am at All Saints on Sunday 21st January when Lisa & Katharine from the Wildlife Trust team will be formally presenting the Gold Award to the Wild @AllSaints team and also talking about the Wildlife Trust’s brilliant work. This of course will be followed by lots of celebratory cake & coffee! 


If you're interested in knowing more or possibly offering occasional help please do ask or contact us on 07891 413890  Bob & Nicola Smith


And finally, may all of our church family at All Saints Church, Earls Barton and those beyond, enjoy a blessed and peaceful New Year 2024.


March 24 Newsletter