March 24 Newsletter

Revd Chad Chadwick

Just a few minutes after midnight, I heard the most curious sound just outside the church on Christmas morning. It was a blackbird singing in full voice about 7 hours before the dawn! Apparently, nocturnal bird song can be triggered by artificial light, but also by loud noises such as thunder, car alarms and… fireworks. Perhaps the blackbird was just so excited by the Carols On The Square fireworks that he wanted to join in? 


But it is not just Blackbirds that occasionally sing at night, skylarks often sing while it’s dark too. Their song-flight begins several hours before dawn, and continues until well after dusk, as a sign to their potential mate that they are healthy and strong. 

Sadly, the population of Skylarks has been in steep decline in recent years, but if you’re lucky you can still hear them singing their hearts out in the fields surrounding our village - the perfect spring soundtrack for a walk along the Nene. When it comes to their unusual pre-dawn chorus, I like to imagine that skylarks play the first delicate notes of the morning symphony, while the rest of the orchestra roosts in trees and bushes, motionless and silent, waiting to join in. Like a world class string section playing their hearts out for the God of creation. 


Skylarks sing because of the promise of the light, not the realisation of the light.  

As we journey from Christmas and winter to Easter and spring, let’s remember that one of Jesus’ closest friends, Mary Magdalene, also got up early while it was still dark, three days after He had been crucified, and started walking towards the tomb to anoint His body with spice and oils. She did not know the tomb would be empty, but still she rose like a skylark in the dark, she did not know that the saviour of the world had risen from the dead, but still she stepped out in faith despite her doubt and fear. In the context of our own doubts and questions, our own fear and anxiety, let us rise too this Easter and sing out our hearts to the God of creation.


Rev’d Chad Chadwick (Curate - All Saints)

P.S. - A few of us are getting up early on Easter Day (31st March) for a service starting outside in the Churchyard, overlooking the Nene Valley. Would you like to join us? 6am, followed by a well-deserved (free) breakfast in the Church Hall.

Later there will be a special Easter Celebration Service at 10:00am, all are welcome!


What’s on at All Saints Church?

Midweek Worship

Every Wednesday - 9:30am Holy Communion

On the first Wednesday of the month there is a short service of Holy Communion in the Church Hall at 3pm followed by refreshments - everyone is welcome, we always have new people joining us.

Sunday Services

3rd - 9am Holy Communion, 10am All Age Service (Theme: Our World), 6pm Evensong

10th - 10am Holy Communion celebrating Mothering Sunday

17th - 10am Holy Communion and JaM Group

24th - 10am Holy Communion celebrating Palm Sunday (meet at 9:45 on the Rec for the palm procession into church)

31st - 6am Dawn Easter service with ‘first fire’ of Easter and Holy Communion, followed by breakfast in the Hall. 10am Easter Celebration with Holy Communion.

Everyone is welcome to join us for our services and we warmly encourage children. We have an area with books and toys for families and a toilet a short walk away in our Church Hall. Refreshments are served and friendship and fellowship encouraged after every Sunday 10am service in the Church Hall.

March Events and Seasonal Services

10th - Youth Group, 7-8:30. This group is for those in Earls Barton who are 10-16yr old and interested in exploring faith. Contact Sarah Howes for more information:

11th - Pints of View, 8pm, The Swan (back room) - Guaranteed good conversation about life, faith and the universe. Questions big, small and medium welcome.

Young Adults Group, 7-9pm, a time to meet, eat and be together for those exploring faith in their 20s-40s. Contact for the date of the meeting this month or for more information.

24th - ‘Olivet to Calvary’ 6pm - A Meditation of Hymns & Anthems for the start of Holy Weeks to Good Friday - This is a Deanery event at St Mary Magdalene Church, Castle Ashby.

28th - Maundy Thursday service, 7:30pm at All Saints Church.

29th - Good Friday Walk of Witness, 9:45 from the Methodist Church ending at All saints Church at 10am for a reflective Good Friday service.

Please pray for…

Bishop Debbie Sellin as she is licensed as the Bishop to Peterborough Diocese on the 3rd March!


Children’s Society Boxes – these will be opened during the Fairtrade Coffee Morning on Saturday March 9th between 10.00 am and 12 noon. If anyone would like their box collected, please contact Amanda Mayne on 07712 086829


A Message from Charlotte Nobbs


B1BS & BOBS & Books

Thank you to all who have been supporting B1BS & BOBS this term.  We have been welcoming on average 10 adults and 15 children each week.  We hope to be moving to the Methodist Church before the end of term, where the premise is more suitable for young families.  We have been sharing parables that Jesus told and would love to give each family a gift of a beautifully told book of parables to each family.  Would you like to give some contribution so we can buy at least 15 books?  They cost £7.00 each.  Please bring any contribution to church to give to Charlotte and she will purchase the books.


Experience Easter

We are hosting another story telling event for EB Primary School (Year 2’s and 3’s) and Kings Meadow Primary School over 3 days:  Monday 18th – Wednesday 20th March.  It is a wonderful opportunity for these children to come to our church, to meet our church family, and to hear Jesus’ story through visiting 6 simple stations/scenes.  Everything is scripted and easy to follow.  If you would like to be part of this, please contact Charlotte (07772816990 or



Easter Puppet Shows

We will be performing a couple of puppet shows that tell the story of Easter in EB Primary School on Thursday 21st March and in B1BS & BOBS on Tuesday 26th March.  If you are interested in being part of the team, please speak with Charlotte


First Sunday of the Month

9.00 am Holy Communion

10.00 am All Together Worship

March 3rd – Our World

April 7th – The Easter Story

May 5th – The Lord’s Prayer

Everyone is Welcome. The Themes are explored further on 3rd Sunday of the Month at Children and Family Group at 10.00 am


Learn mindfulness at EB Library & Community Centre: Finding peace in a frantic world -  8 - week course starts 5th March 10.30-12
Contact Nicola if you’d like to know more: 07812 686944


June 2024 Newsletter


January 24 Newsletter