June 2024 Newsletter

Revd Jenny Bland

Last month I hinted at new vision statement and ‘mission action plan’ coming in for our Church which I’m delighted to write about for you this month.

Ultimately, the church’s vision and mission is simple and unchanging: as followers of Jesus we are asked us to be known for how we love others. Jesus says, “[a] new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another. By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another”, (John 13:34-35). This coupled with the final words of Jesus to his disciples in Matthew’s Gospel (Matthew 28:19-20), 'go and make disciples of all nations, baptising them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you’ fulfils who we are to be as Christians and what we are to do. Our vision and mission statement seeks to answer how we do this best in Earls Barton in this season and the coming years. Simply put, as a Church, we want to grow in our faith, in our impact, in our numbers. We want to be known as the heart of our village, a place where everyone belongs and to be a hub from which good news shines into our community. Sound good?

Well here is how we are going to do it and what we are prioritising in the coming five years:


Welcoming Buildings

We’re committed to valuing and sharing our historic buildings more widely, ensuring our Church and Church Hall are welcoming, accessible and user-friendly for all. We’re keen to run and host more events, groups and courses which will bring more people into our buildings; specifically we want the Church to be open again in daylight hours, to have a toilet a better server and to build on tradition in exchanging the pews for seating.


Encountering God

We’re confident that enabling more people to encounter God in a meaningful way is key so we will be looking at how we enable this for the diverse needs in our community. We want our services, pattern of prayer, groups and courses to be something that everyone can access whether of faith or not.

Children and Youth

 We acknowledge that God is doing something special in our children and youth so we want to prioritise their growth in faith and how they are enabled to shape our Church and community. Specifically we want to employ a Church Youth Worker, build on our strong relationship with EBPS and our village Uniformed Organisations, be known for being an intergenerational worshipping community and better equip parents, grandparents and those connected to children and youth to share faith in the home.


Loving Service

As earlier mentioned in Jesus’ commandment, love is not merely a sentiment; it is a call to action. We are committing to being a Church who prioritise doing good in our community, supporting people through the highs and lows of life, being visible and known in our community and on the front line of championing social justice and caring for creation in Earls Barton. For us this looks like pastoral support groups, loving service in litter picks, developing a help team, being involved at village events, appointing and Eco Officer and striving to be a Fairtrade and ecology centred Church - and to educate and encourage others to do likewise.


So now the work begins!

Our mission can be caught in our intention to be ‘loving, serving, shining in Earls Barton’, confident and grateful that God has asked us to shine like light in the communities we’re a part—teaching and living out that all people are precious to God, all are valued, loved and known. I hope you’ll always find us a safe, welcoming and joyful place to be a part of and together we can be good news in our community.


What’s on at All Saints Church?

Midweek Worship

Every Wednesday - 9:30am Holy Communion.On the first Wednesday of the month there is a short service of Holy Communion in the Church Hall at 3pm followed by refreshments - everyone is welcome, we always have new people joining us.

Sunday Services

2nd - 9am Holy Communion, 10am All Together Service, (no evensong due to Songs of Praise on 9th)

9th - 10am Holy Communion, 6pm Summer Songs of Praise

16th - 10am Holy Communion with JaM children’s group, celebrating Father’s Day

23rd - 10am Holy Communion with Baptism, 7pm Young Adults worship

30th - 10am Church Under The Trees (All Saints Churchyard)

Everyone is welcome to join us for our services and we warmly encourage children. We have an area with books and toys for families and a toilet a short walk away in our Church Hall. Refreshments are served and friendship and fellowship encouraged after every Sunday 10am service in the Church Hall. Church Under The Trees takes place on the final Sunday in June, July and August feel free to bring a chair or blanket with you and please dress for the outdoors.

June Events and Seasonal Services

6th-8th - Lark Rise performance at All Saints Church, 7:30pm, tickets online at ‘TicketSource’.

8th - Plant Swap at All Saints Church Yard, 10am-12pm

10th - 'An Evening of Classical Opera and Operetta’ by Animato Singers, doors 6:30pm for 7pm, tickets £10 online at https://bit.ly/3TtWhvA at Jeyes or on the door. Proceeds to All Saints building works.

10th - Pints of View at The Stag, from 8pm. Come and ask, listen, debate all questions great and small.

23rd - Young Adults, 7-9pm, a time to meet, eat and be together for those exploring faith and discipleship in their 20s-40s. Contact allsaints.earlsbarton@outlook.com for this month’s location

29th - Amicorum Concert, ‘Magical Mozart’, 7:30pm All Saints Church, tickets £10, see poster for contact.

Please pray for…

Katy and Josh as they come to be married this month and for Harper as she comes to be baptised. Please also pray for the excitement around our vision plans to last and that many more in our village would come to know Jesus and grow in their faith.


A Message from Catherine Johnson - Forthcoming event -

On Sunday 9th June at 6pm we will be holding a Summer Songs of Praise service, where we are hoping members of our church will choose their favourite hymn and explain its significance to them. What's YOUR favourite hymn and why? Is it the words, the music, the occasion, the memories.....? Forms are now available in church to complete. We look forward to singing a wide variety of hymns, old and new.

Sunday 9th June is the RSCM Music Sunday so we hope to sing the nation's favourite hymn, as chosen by church members across the nation.


Children’s Society Boxes - A Message from Amanda Mayne - Please could you let everyone know that we raised £725.00 for The Children's Society.

Thank everyone very much.

And thank you to you Amanda – great effort!


Friends of All Saints

The Friends of All Saints are a charitable body whose remit is to raise funds to assist in keeping the fabric of the church in good repair. Last year a significant donation was made towards the cost of the internal decoration. Two or three events are held each year to raise these funds and the committee are looking for people to join them the help plan these future events. If you are interested, please contact their Chairman, Mike Nichols for more details.

email: mikeandtricia@virginmedia.com


Fairtrade News

It's GREAT BIG GREEN WEEK soon so our June Fairtrade Café takes place on the same day as the Annual Plant Swap & Sale so a double opportunity to swap for good! And follow up your swapping with coffee & cake so please join us for our next:


FAIRTRADE CAFÉ & BOOKSALE on SATURDAY 8th JUNE We have lots of tasty, fairly-produced groceries & more in our Spring/Summer range of beautifully ethical gifts & cards.  A chance to try swapping a favourite grocery product for a fairtrade one. Enjoy chatting, browsing our products & secondhand books, & fresh coffee & yummy homemade cakes… Everyone welcome!

Email: nicky_smithseb@yahoo.co.uk     07812 686944


Save the date: Wild @ All Saints invite you to join in with our ‘Butterfly weekend’ 27th – 28th July with an activity afternoon for all ages on Saturday 27th 1 – 4pm & Church under the trees on Sunday. More information to follow next month!



July 2024 Newsletter


March 24 Newsletter