September 2024 Newsletter

All Saints Church Earls Barton

News Sheet September 2024

A Message from Revd. Chad, Our Curate

Nene Valley Butterflies - A 1930s Murder Mystery In 1935, when Henry Bird controversially painted an enormous mural over the medieval Rood Screen that had stood in All Saints church for hundreds of years, it is likely that he captured eight local people (representing biblical characters), each one standing amongst wildflowers and trees from the Nene Valley. Fluttering above them were hundreds of beautiful, hand-painted butterflies. The fact that Henry was funded lepidopterists (people who study butterflies), always made me wonder, why could I recognise so many species (painted with such skill and anatomical precision), and yet some were unfamiliar? It seemed highly unlikely that Henry decided to mix faithful representations of native species with mythical made-up additions, so there must be another reason for the unusual ‘extras’.

To solve the mystery, I contacted Dave James (the Northants County Butterfly Recorder), who also happens to love the history of church buildings and had always wanted to see the butterflies in All Saints church! The Wild@AllSaints team and Ellen Pentland (Wildlife Trust) sprung into action too, and soon an entire Butterfly-themed weekend had been organised. During the weekend, people from all over Earls Barton (and much further afield) gathered for crafts, butterfly cakes, moth ‘trapping’ and a chance to take part in the national ‘Big Butterfly Count’. Earlier in the year, the All Saints churchyard had won a Wildlife Trust Churchyard Conservation Gold Award, so we were delighted to record dozens of birds and insects in the flower-rich and rewilded, ancient natural habitat. Meanwhile, Dave and I were working hard inside the church to identify as many painted species as we could. We recognised early-on that there was a chance that Henry Bird was painting with a sense of artistic license, perhaps even exotic butterflies from pinned specimens that were not easily identifiable. Another possibility was that Henry had one or more understudies, who were painting with less skill and accuracy, to fill the gaps with more generic butterfly shapes alongside his native species. However, whilst both of those theories could be true, there was something else going on too. We noticed a Tortoiseshell that was too big and out of shape. This was a good contender for a Large Tortoiseshell (the much larger cousin of our native, but increasingly rare Tortoiseshell butterfly). Large Tortoiseshells used to breed here but the last time breeding took place seems to be in 1949 - a few years after the screen was painted.

Our conclusion - it is highly likely that when Henry Bird was painting butterflies from the Nene Valley just 89 years ago, they were not just far more numerous, but some of the species are now extinct - hence not being able to identify them! As a result of habitat loss, intensive agricultural practices and climate change, 80% of butterflies have decreased in the last few decades. This is a deeply worrying indicator of what we are doing to the planet. However, despite the gloomy picture, I believe that God designed the natural world to bounce-back and thrive when given a half-a-chance. It is built in to wildlife, just as it is built into us. Rewilding and conservation projects show that when we care deeply, nature thrives - as it says right at the start of the bible - ‘The Lord God put man(kind) in the Garden of Eden to take care of it and to look after it’ (Genesis 2:15). Goldcrests and a peregrine falcon (birds), Southern Hawkers and Common Darters (Dragonflies), hedgehogs and a Banded Demoiselle (Damselfly), Commas and Tortoiseshells (Butterflies)… all spotted recently in our postage-stamp sized churchyard, nature’s oasis in the middle of our village, and God’s reminder that when we care deeply, nature thrives.

Rev’d Chad Chadwick - Curate (All Saints)

What’s on at All Saints Church?

We are open every day 10am-4pm approx. for visitors and those seeking a place of peace and welcome.

Midweek Worship Every Wednesday - 9:30am Holy Communion

Every Friday - 9.45 am for 10:00 start (lasting for 30 minutes) - Loving Silence, a gathering of people from all faiths and none meeting to take time out from the busyness and stress of everyday life to find and generate love and peace through silence and contemplation.

On the first Wednesday of the month there is a short service of Holy Communion in the Church Hall at 3pm followed by refreshments - everyone is welcome, we always have new people joining us.

Sunday Services in September

1st - 9am Holy Communion, 10am All Together Service, 6pm Evensong

8th - 10am Holy Communion, 12:30 Private Baptism

15th - 10am Holy Communion with JaM children’s group

22nd - 10am Holy Communion, 7pm Upper Room

29th - 10am Holy Communion celebrating God’s Generosity


Let’s make the most of the Summer weather! Join us at 12.00 noon on Sundays , bring food and drink, a rug and outdoor games if you have them, everyone all ages welcome & may see some of you at out 10.00 am service too!

(Date for your diary - Sunday 6th of October at 10am All Together Harvest Festival!)

Everyone is welcome to join us for our services and we warmly encourage children. We have an area with books and toys for families and a toilet a short walk away in our Church Hall.

Refreshments are served after every Sunday 10am service in the Church Hall.

September Events and Seasonal Services

Welcome Sarah - we’re delighted to announce our new part-time children, youth and family worker is starting this month. Come and meet her on the third or fourth Sunday of every month!


9th - Pints of View at The Stag, from 8pm. Come and ask, listen, debate all questions great and small.

14th - Open Belfrey morning 10-12pm, come and learn about the bells and those who ring them!

14th - Ride & Stride, Church will be open for 10-4pm a warm welcome for all visiting today!

15th - Youth Group (for secondary school age children), Contact<> for this month’s location.

Please pray for… Those being baptised this month, those starting back at school or beginning new ventures at the start of this academic year. Please also pray for our Pastoral Team and Bereavement Team at All Saints and those who lead them, as they undergo refresh training in their meeting this month.

A Message from David Timms -  Church Warden

Our application for the granting of a faculty has been submitted to the Diocesan Advisory Committee (DAC) who are now considering the proposals. There will now be an extensive period of consultation.

Subject to the plans being approved, the work will be undertaken in August next year when the disturbance will be less felt.

A message from Catherine Johnson - Musical Matters

Two of our choir members are taking part in Choral Evensong in the beautiful surroundings of Coventry Cathedral, alongside members of Coventry Cathedral Choir. The music marks the 100th anniversary of the death of the church music composer C V Stanford, on the weekend closest to his birthday. What makes this occasion really special is that not only will it be accompanied by the Cathedral’s iconic Harrison organ, but also swelled by the Warwickshire Symphony Orchestra in this rare performance in the fully orchestrated version of Stanford’s music.

If you would like to attend the service please join us in Coventry Cathedral at 4pm on Saturday 28th September. 

A date for your diary!  We will be starting music for the Christmas service of Lessons and Carols on FRIDAY 1st NOVEMBER in the church from 5 - 6pm. ALL are welcome to join the augmented choir.......the more singers, the better!  Why not come along and see what it's all about?  Singing is a wonderful way to worship and is also good for your mental and physical health - what's not to like?! 

Many of you will know that Catherine Johnson, our organist and choir director, completed the Lay Worship leader course in July 2023.  This year she has been a mentor for the current students, and from September she will be teaching part of the course, mainly the sections to do with the theology of worship and the importance of music in worship.  Please keep her in your prayers as she steps into this new role and helps guide more lay people into leading worship in their churches.  (Ed. Well done Catherine!)

A message from our Tower Captain

Open Belfry Event. Saturday 14th September. From 10.00am until 12.00 noon.

We are once again holding our Annual Open Belfry event at All Saints.

This is a Unique opportunity for anyone that genuinely would like to find out more about Bellringing with a view to learning how to ring our wonderful bells. There will be many members of the Ringing Band available to have a chat with over a cup of Tea or Coffee and there will also be  the chance to have an assisted go on the end of a rope. During the course of the morning we will also be ringing the bells so that not only can you see the Band in action but also hear the wonderful sound of our Bells.

If you want to find out more then please call me: Andy Smith 0754 1312407 of just come along on the day.

Messages from Charlotte Nobbs

All In Services (6 October, 3 November, 1 December – Christingle)

We are looking forward to our usual pattern of a 50 minute All In Service on the first Sunday of the month.  These are services where we celebrate learning from each other, across the generations, where there is space to explore, pray, hear and share with our church family.  If you have grandchildren, families with children with young people, are single, are without children who live with you, this is a wonderful opportunity to be learning and growing and investing across the different generations as part of God’s Big Family.  If you would like to be part of the team who shapes these gatherings, please talk to Charlotte Nobbs.

JaM (22nd September, 20 October, 17 November)

JaM (Jesus and Me) will continue to meet on every third Sunday, during the morning church service.  It is designed for children and their parents/grandparents/carers to have space to consider how they live out their faith, and to support others in the group to do so as well.  If a child is coming without their grown up, please talk to Suzanne or Charlotte, as you need to give us some information about your child so that they are kept safe during the session.


This is our Toddler Group that runs in partnership with the Methodist Chapel during term times on Tuesday afternoons, from 2-3pm, in the Methodist Hall, during term times.  We return after the summer break on Tuesday 10 September.

 Our aim is to be a fun, welcoming, safe space for babies and toddlers with their carers.  Many of the carers are grandparents.  This an amazing opportunity for our church family to get to know the younger generations, and families whom we wouldn’t otherwise get to know at a very special time of life. 

 Would you be interested in coming to serve the coffee and cakes and to support the team in being that warm welcome?  We think we are at our best when there are plenty of our church family present, enjoying each other’s company as well as listening to and encouraging these families.  Perhaps you miss your grandchildren and could do with being amongst little ones?  Perhaps you could just do with some company on a Tuesday afternoon?  We have loved it when our church family have been part of the welcome.  Thank you wonderful All Saints!

Please talk to Jackie or Charlotte if you think you might like to join in.

Yes, Christmas is on our radar!

We are hoping to run the Experience Christmas – an opportunity for all ages to explore the Christmas story through travelling around different scenes of the story set up in our church.  This is for our church to explore and to use as an opportunity for inviting friends, family and from all generations. We are hoping that Earls Barton Primary might visit again, and that the children will bring their families. If you think you would like to be part of the team in some capacity, please let Charlotte or Sarah know.  (We are hoping for Monday 2nd – Sunday 9th December)

Celebration of children’s, youth and families’ ministry on Sunday 1st September, 3-4:30pm, Afternoon Tea.

So many of our church family have been involved in being good news to the children, youth and families of Earls Barton in one capacity or other over this last academic year.  We would love to thank you for your energy, time and love that you have invested to make this happen.  So, if you have been part of the JaM, All In Together, Experience Christmas, Experience Easter, Puppet Shows, B1BS & BOBS, baptism visiting, Youth Alpha and Youth group and School visiting teams, we would love you to join us for afternoon tea, 3-4:30pm, 1 Doddington Road.  Please let Charlotte know if you are coming (07772816990)

Thank you

Thank you to all those who have been working to the end of this term to be good news to families, children, and young people.  We are so grateful for your hard work and for all you do to invest in their wellbeing. 

Important reminders about Events coming up in August/September

Please look out for the posters in the Church about events and requests for help.

Art on the Square Saturday 7th and Sunday 8th September 10.00 am - 4.00 pm in All Saints Church Hall

Café Open for light refreshments. Request for cakes and help with the rota.

Ride and Stride Saturday 14th September between 10.00 am and 6.00 pm

Please be sure to see the poster in the Church as the NHTC gave us a donation towards the repainting of the church.

Women’s Breakfast

You’re invited to our next Women’s Breakfast - Everyone welcome whether you’re new to our breakfasts or have been lots of times before…
Saturday 28th September     8.30am at All Saints Church Hall     Suggested donation: £7

Our speaker will be Valerie Anslow from the Wellingborough Interfaith Group

PLEASE BOOK YOUR PLACE BY Wednesday 25th September so we can plan catering, including for any dietary information, ie g/f, vegetarian etc (let us know when you book).

We start with continental style breakfast, (including bacon rolls…) with plenty of time to chat. We plan to have speakers at some of these events but also some when it will be an opportunity to just get together and enjoy each other’s company. We’re usually finished by around 10am, so it’s a really great way to start your Saturday. We hope you can join us, everyone welcome!  Book with Nicola on 07812 686944    or Sandra on 07979 961902    or Glynis on 07919 952736.    Do contact any of us if you need more information..

It’s FAIRTRADE FORTNIGHT SOON – 9th – 22nd September & the Fairtrade Foundation celebrate 30 years this year! So do join us at our

FAIRTRADE CAFÉ & BOOKSALE on SATURDAY  14th SEPTEMBER as we also have one of our MEND & REPAIR CAFES then too 

As it’s Fairtrade Fortnight Do come & try switching to a fairtrade product you’ve not tried before… We’ll have things to taste & try plus games & puzzles for all ages, just look for more details on our Facebook page nearer the time. Lots of beautifully ethical gifts & new cards in stock now too.  Enjoy chatting, browsing our products & secondhand books, & fresh coffee & yummy homemade cakes… Everyone welcome!        Email:     07812 686944

Save the Date for our 2024 Tearfund Big Quiz fundraiser on 16th November at All Saints Church Hall! More details will be arriving soon…hope you can join us! 07812686944

Pints of View dates until Christmas

Got questions about life, faith and the universe? So do we! Join a life minded group once a month to discuss, listen and find some answers together. Pints is run by members of All Saints Church for those of any faith and none.

At 8pm on the following dates at the following venues.

Monday 9th Sept.- The Swan       Monday 14th Oct – The Stag

Monday 11th Nov – The Stag       Monday 9th Dec – The Stag

A Message from Carol Coleman

I have a couple of places left on a Basic Life Support session I am delivering to a local Benefice. Date 28th September Time 10.00 am to 12.00 noon

Venue St John’s Ambulance HQ Elizabeth Way

If anyone would like a place, please contact Carol Coleman


August 2024 Newsletter