August 2024 Newsletter

All Saints Church Earls Barton

News Sheet August 2024

Message from Revd. Chad, Our Curate

One year without a mobile phone.

I've just spent one year without a mobile phone. It has been such an interesting experiment! Here are a few brief reflections...

Before I begin, it is important to say that generally I am quite pro-technology - I think phones are important and can have such a positive impact on our lives. I don’t think everyone should get rid of their phones, so what I'm about to say isn’t a judgement on anyone else’s relationship with their phone. To be honest, my own wobbly mental health was one of the main reasons I decided to get rid of my phone. It was also an intentional and prayerful decision to live more simply and peacefully in the midst of a culture that can often feel overwhelming, complicated and anxious.

Of course, there have been a few times during the year when a phone would have been really handy, but I’ve always found someone to help when I needed it. With no Maps app, I got lost in the car a lot more than I used to, and asking people for directions felt a bit like an embarrassing return to the 1990s, but apart from that, it has been a really positive experience. 

I’ve spent much more time laughing and playing with my 10-year-old twins, and learned to really appreciate those precious moments. I have definitely felt far less anxious and less distracted. Rather than scrolling onto the next dopamine hit as the advertisers demand my attention, I’m slowly learning to become present… with myself, with the people around me, and with God. Also, without the desensitising effect of doom-scrolling, I have become far less numb to world issues (and the world around me), and my memory and senses feel like they have re-awakened a little too.

Just remember, I’m not demonising mobile phones, but I do think we need to take a serious look at the important research that is emerging around things like screen-time and mental health. If you’re interested, check out Acts chapter 19 in the bible too. It’s such an unusual story. The Ephesian people were really superstitious, particularly when it came to the widespread use of sorcerous scrolls that seemed to have some kind of addictive power over people. When St.Paul arrived and called them out, they responded by bringing their scrolls forward to publicly burn them! They were set free! The resulting bonfire would have been worth over £1 million in today’s money. Can you imagine a mass burning of smart phones in the The Square?! I’m being facetious, but it does make us think - what would life be like if we all put down our screens for a while and gave the best of our undistracted attention to the people we love (and those we find it difficult to love). 

Following a conversation with my family, I’ve decided to do another year without a phone, so feel free to ask me about if you see me around Earls Barton. I’m so grateful to be in a church and community where difficult conversations like this are welcomed and encouraged. You’re always welcome to join us too, All Saints is your church.

Rev’d Chad Chadwick (Curate - All Saints Church)

What’s on at All Saints Church? 

Every Day

We are open every day 10am - 4pm* for everyone in our parish to make use of their parish church. So pop in, have a look around, have a quiet few minutes, read from the Bible or enjoy a pit stop with your little ones as they play with the toys. We’re open for you. 

*Subject to occasional offices (weddings, funerals, baptisms) and special events/circumstances.  

Midweek Worship

Every Wednesday - 9:30am Holy Communion

On the first Wednesday of the month there is a short service of Holy Communion in the Church Hall at 3pm followed by refreshments - everyone is welcome, we often have new people joining us. 

Sunday Services 

4th - 9am Holy Communion, 10am All Together Service, 6pm Evensong 

11th - 10am Holy Communion 

18th - 10am Holy Communion

25th - 10am Short Holy Communion in Church (not Church Under The Trees) 

Everyone is welcome to join us for our services and we warmly encourage children. We have an area with books and toys for families and a toilet a short walk away in our Church Hall. Refreshments are served and friendship and fellowship encouraged after every Sunday 10am service in the Church Hall.

August Events and Seasonal Services 

NB. There is no Pints of View in August, we’ll be back in September (dates to be confirmed)

3rd - Ukes of Chaos Concert, All Saints Church Hall, Tickets £10, see advert for start time.

25th - Young Adults, 7-9pm, a time to meet, eat and be together for those exploring faith and discipleship in their 20s-40s. Contact  for this month’s location.

31st - Eternal Star of Queen Concert, All Saints Church, see advert for start time and ticket prices.

Please pray for… 

Noah and Emma as they come to be married this month. Please also pray for those who are preparing for baptism and confirmation in the year to come. 

Messages from Charlotte Nobbs

Celebration of children’s, youth and families’ ministry on Sunday 1st September, 3-4:30pm, Afternoon Tea.

So many of our church family have been involved in being good news to the children, youth and families of Earls Barton in one capacity or other over this last academic year.  We would love to thank you for your energy, time and love that you have invested to make this happen.  So, if you have been part of the JaM, All In Together, Experience Christmas, Experience Easter, Puppet Shows, B1BS & BOBS, baptism visiting, Youth Alpha and Youth group and School visiting teams, we would love you to join us for afternoon tea, 3-4:30pm, 1 Doddington Road.  Please let Charlotte know if you are coming (07772816990)

Thank you

Thank you to all those who have been working to the end of this term to be good news to families, children, and young people.  We are so grateful for your hard work and for all you do to invest in their wellbeing. 

 Prayer over the summer

Our theme over the summer holiday weeks will be around prayer.  We recognise that many of us will be coming and going, but to stay tied into what we are thinking about, why not talk about prayer and when we pray in our families or when our grandchildren come and stay.  These 2 books are really fun ways to encourage prayer in creative ways:  Prayer Experiment Notebook for children The Prayer Experiment Notebook - Miranda Threlfall-Holmes|Mina Munns - SPCK Publishing or the Teenager Prayer Experiment Notebook The Teenage Prayer Experiment Notebook - Miranda Threlfall-Holmes - SPCK Publishing

 I am 58 and I have loved trying out the ideas in the Prayer Experiment Notebook and would definitely share these ideas with my friends!

 A message from ‘All Saints Boobies’

 All Saints Boobies is a small group of local ladies from the village who are all currently undergoing breast cancer treatment. All four of our cancers were discovered through routine mammograms. Together, we want to spread the message of the importance of mammograms and not ignore the appointment. We want to raise money and awareness and are hosting a Breast Cancer Now charity afternoon tea on Friday 16th August from 2-4pm at 11 Harrowick Lane. We welcome cake donations, tombola prizes or you can donate to our just giving page
We look forward to seeing you.
Chaps: please also remember to ask for a PSA test.
Thank you
The All Saints Boobies


We had another great mend & repair cafe alongside our July Fairtrade Cafe with lots of people enjoying having things made ready to be worn or used once again. We hope to do another in September (14th) when we'll also be celebrating fairtrade fortnight in the Fairtrade Foundation's 50th year! Do let us know if you have any repair skills you'd like to share whether sewing, darning, bike repairs etc etc...we'd love to hear from you!

Please visit our shop any Saturday 10 - 1 & join us for our next café:


We have lots of tasty, fairly produced groceries & treats & a range of beautifully ethical gifts & cards.  Enjoy chatting, browsing our products & secondhand books, & enjoy fresh coffee & yummy homemade cakes… Everyone welcome! Email:     07812 686944

GREENBELT WEEKEND is coming up 22nd - 25th August (Bank Holiday weekend) This lovely Christian festival takes place at nearby Boughton House, Kettering. We'd love to have lots from our church family of all ages going. Join us this summer for a weekend of music, comedy, craft, theatre, dance, food, spirituality, talks, and more. Some of us will go for the weekend but it would be great to have a group going on the Saturday for the day and perhaps teaming up for a picnic lunch.

If you're interested in finding out more or thinking of going along please talk to Nicola, Bob, Jenny, Chris or Glynis as we'll be there. Look forward to hearing from you.


Important reminders about Events coming up in August/September

Please look out for the posters in the Church about events and requests for help.

 Queen Tribute Concert – August 31st 7.30 pm in All Saints Church

You have probably heard about Kosta and Daria performing Queen Songs, but they now have a full band. The tribute concert on August 31st should be really rousing. Book tickets early to avoid disappointment as there are only so many people we can squeeze into the church! Tickets £10 with under 16’s £5. Available from Jeyes on the Square or or scan the QR code on the poster.

Art on the Square Saturday 7th and Sunday 8th September 10.00 am - 4.00 pm in All Saints Church Hall

Café Open for light refreshments. Request for cakes and help with the rota.

 Ride and Stride Saturday 14th September between 10.00 am and 6.00 pm

Please be sure to see the poster in the Church as the NHTC gave us a donation towards the repainting of the church.


September 2024 Newsletter


July 2024 Newsletter