July update

Note from our Church Treasurer: Whether you're new or have been coming to All Saints for a while, please consider regular financial giving to support the ministry and mission of our church. For more information on the Parish Giving Scheme please contact me, Derek Bish, at treasurer.earlsbarton@outlook.com 

Note from the Vicar: Join us in church or online this month for the many things we are celebrating together! In addition to the listed services, don't forget our other church groups which continue through summer such as our two home groups, YAAAS (Young Adults At All Saints), B1BS & BOBS (Barton 1st Baby Support and Barton Older Baby Support), Loving Silence, Bellringers, Choir and so many more! As always, you can be in touch with me anytime to join or find out more! Revd Jenny x  thevicar.earlsbarton@outlook.com or 01604 240782  

Sunday services  

3 July - 9am Holy Communion, 10am All Age and Parade with Baptism Welcomes,   

7pm Prayer and Praise. Please note, no evensong – please see later notice from Catherine Johnson 

10 July - 10am Holy Communion with JaM (Jesus and Me children’s group)  

17 July - 10am Holy Communion with JaM 

24 July - 10am Holy Communion with JaM 

31 July - 10 am Service in the Trees – Holy Communion outside for all. 

Wednesday services 

Every Wednesday we meet at 9:30am in church for a short service of prayer, reflection and Holy Communion, everyone welcome.  

Not forgetting our new Service of Compline every Wednesday at 8.30 pm. Compline is a quiet contemplative evening service.  


There will be no service of Evensong here on Sunday 3 July.  However, you are all cordially invited to a Prayer Book Society Service of Evensong at Easton Maudit (St Peter and Paul's) at 6pm where Catherine Johnson will be helping to lead the singing. 

There will also be a Deanery Evensong on Sunday 10 July at All Hallows church, Wellingborough at 6pm.  Our choir members will be taking part and it would be lovely to see some members of the congregation there too!   


As I hope everyone has noticed we have reverted back to flying the Flag of the Ukraine in support of their efforts against the Russian invasion.  We will be flying this flag until the conflict is over. 


Following my appeal for more ringers I am pleased to report that I now have two more ringers in training. Still room for one or two more though!!  

Andy Smith Tower Captain 

Homegroups  These are continuing through July.  To find out more see below for contacts. Wednesday Night HG (Elvin/Bish) –  telephone Simon on  01604 466820 or email simon.elvin1@ntlworld.com.Thursday Night HG (Nobbs/Clayton – telephone Charlotte on 07772 816 990 or email charlottenobbs66@gmail.com

Friends Of All Saints - are holding a Barbeque and Live Ukulele music night in the Church Hall on Friday July 1st. Tickets will be £10.00 and the ticket will include BBQ food and live Ukulele music courtesy of Ukes of Chaos, which is Bob Watts merry group. Tickets available from Jeyes, The Library or Bob Watts on 811688. All profits to The Friends of All Saints – of course! 

Fiori Musicale on 8 July – Concert in church  - Please see the Poster in church for this concert. The tickets will go really fast for this one so we suggest you book early.  

Invitation from Jill and David Timms - The church family is warmly invited to join us, with some of our other friends and family, on Sunday 7 August during and after the All Age Service in Church, at a celebratory buffet in the Church Hall. It will be the anniversary of our wedding 50 years ago at St Michael’s Church in Northampton. We look forward to you joining us as it will also be 50 years since we joined the church family at All Saints, Earls Barton in 1972.

Just to be very sure this is just a usual All Age Service followed by a church family celebration.

We ask that you please do not give us cards or gifts on this occasion as we would prefer, if you would like to, that you donate to the proposed new Church Hall development. There will be a donations box for cash and also the card reader in the church hall during the Buffet. We look forward to seeing you on 7 August.   

Wellingborough Food Bank – please see the poster in church as the needs of those in food poverty are ever more getting worse. As you will see from the poster, less people are donating and more people are in need. You can drop off food at the bottom of Revd.  Jenny’s drive, the Co-op and the Library. Please see the list of foodstuffs they desperately need at the moment. 

Fairtrade Café & Secondhand Booksale - on Saturday July 9 , 10am to 1pm. See our special offers on our Facebook page for updates.  Enjoy chatting, browsing our products & fresh coffee & yummy cakes…everyone welcome!      

Email: nicky_smithseb@yahoo.co.uk    

Save the Date! Wild@AllSaints - are holding another Wildlife Activity Afternoon on Sunday 11 September, more details soon ... 


October 22 Newsletter