October 22 Newsletter

Note from our Church Treasurer

Whether you're new or have been coming to All Saints for a while, please consider regular financial giving to support the ministry and mission of our church. For more information on the Parish Giving Scheme please contact me, Derek Bish, at treasurer.earlsbarton@outlook.com

Note from our Vicar, Jenny

Thank you so much to our church family and community for helping and being alongside Chris and I as we married on the 24th September. We are so grateful for you and look forward to being with you again from the 16th October. My huge thanks to Simon and the covering vicars who will be leading the services until my return. Remember that the ministry of our church belongs to the people of our church, so be radiant with the gifts that God has given to you - our God is a God of abundance - may you take hold of what God entrusts you with! (Hint - Galatians 5:22-23).

Jenny x 

What’s on at All Saints Church?

Midweek Worship

Every Wednesday: 9:30am Holy Communion and 8:30pm Compline (Night Prayer) in church.

On the first Wednesday of the month there is a short service of Holy Communion in the Church Hall at 3pm followed by refreshments - all welcome!

Sunday Services

2nd  - 9am Holy Communion (Visiting Priest), 10am All Age and Parade (Harvest Festival – see below), 6pm Evensong, 7pm Prayer and Praise

9th  - 10am Holy Communion

16th - 10am Holy Communion, 4pm Harvest Songs of Praise at Earls Barton Methodist Church

23rd  - 10am Holy Communion

30th  - 10am Holy Communion

Everyone is welcome to join us for services no matter what you believe. We warmly welcome children - especially those who shout and wiggle! Refreshments are served after every Sunday service in the Church Hall.

Harvest Festival - Sunday 2nd October 10.00am

Simon Elvin will lead this Harvest Festival non- Eucharistic All Age Service.  It is our usual custom to bring tinned and packet food to give to a local food Bank. This year we will be donating to the Daylight Centre which serves our village and surrounding districts. If you read this after the 2nd October please place your offerings in the Library, the Vicar’s driveway or the Co-op. Many thanks.

The All Saints Church Bells

From October 1st until October 22nd all the bells apart from the chiming clock will be silent as six of the clappers are being removed and taken to Taylors Bell Foundry for remedial servicing work to be done.

Andy Smith Tower Captain.

Gospel Choir Concert – This event was very successful and raised £650 for church funds.


Back by popular demand, we began the Alpha Group on 3rd October.  If you have signed up, you will be notified about the timings and venue.

Baby Loss Awareness Week

This will be from 9th to 15th October. The church will be lit in pink and blue to draw attention to this. We pray for all those families who have lost a baby.

Fairtrade News:

We’re now looking forward to new season stock coming in and will be ready to welcome everyone to our next big event:

Christmas Shopping Evening on Saturday 29th October 7.30pm 

 * 10% off purchases & orders made on the night * fairtrade wine & juice * tastings of new products * lots of space to browse our new products * everyone welcome!

Fairtrade Café & Booksale on Saturday 8th October 10 – 1    

Hope to see you soon & remember our shop is open every Saturday 10 - 1

Save the dates:

Amicorum Concerts – 8th October and 3rd December in Church

Please look out for details in church

·Daylight Centre Concert – 4th November. Details from Nick Chapman

All Saints Big Quiz Night for Tearfund on Saturday November 19th 7.15pm at All Saints Church Hall We welcome teams of up to 6 people & ask for a suggested donation of £5 minimum per person - we’re raising funds for Tearfund’s fantastic development work with some of the world’s most disadvantaged people. Contact us soon to book your place, email nicky_smithseb@yahoo.co.uk and we’ll send the link to our Tearfund JustGiving page for your payment

Christmas Tree Festival on the 3rd and 4th December.

If you would like to donate a tree or have a stall on the Saturday Market, please contact Helen Winrow.

·All Saints Church Choir

Christmas is coming!  The choir will be starting rehearsals for the traditional service of lessons and carols on Friday 4th November. All are welcome to join an augmented choir to lead the service.  We hope to sing some choir only carols plus lead the congregational hymns.  All rehearsals are in the church on Friday evenings from 6.30pm - 7.30pm, in preparation for the service at 6pm on Sunday 18th December.

Please speak to Catherine Johnson or any of the regular choir members for further information.


December 22 Newsletter


July update