July 2024 Newsletter

All Saints Church, Earls Barton

News Sheet, July 2024

Revd Jenny Bland

I’m keeping my article fairly short this month to highlight a piece of news which I hope you will be just as delighted about as we are…

 All Saints Church is open every day!

Every day 10am - 4pm (approx) your church will be open for you, for anyone, forever.

It’s an important truth to note that the 'parish church’ is ‘for the parish’ and all the people within the parish. As parishioners of Earls Barton, our church belongs to YOU - so as you pass, please be encouraged to pop in to visit and learn about the history, pray, have a moment of quiet or even to dodge the rain.

Last month I wrote about our new vision statement and I’m delighted that so quickly we’ve been able to make our Church safe enough to keep open and achieve this goal. If you’d like to know more about our upcoming priorities or want to get involved, I’d be delighted to hear from you.

 So our big news this month, we are open and we are open for you and because of you. We’d be grateful to see the church visited more often as this plays an important role in keeping the church safe too. So do pop in when you can, you never know how it might change your day, week or life…

 A prayer to pray… Loving God, All Saints Church has been a site of worship for over a thousand  years. Thank you that you know the people behind those years. Holy God thank you that you know us and care about us in this generation and the generations to come in the next thousand years. Help our church to stay open, safe, viable as we pray and see your kingdom come in Earls Barton and beyond. Amen!

 *By the way… are you interested in organising and running events, liaising with a team and giving back to our village? Joining the ‘church community events team’ might be for you! If you have some spare time and could see yourself planning and liaising with organisers of exhibitions, concerts, performances at All saints, then I’d love to have an informal conversation and explain more about what we can offer! Reach me anytime at thevicar.earlsbarton.outlook.com

 What’s on at All Saints Church?

Midweek Worship

Every Wednesday - 9:30am Holy Communion

On the first Wednesday of the month there is a short service of Holy Communion in the Church Hall at 3pm followed by refreshments - everyone is welcome, we always have new people joining us.

Sunday Services

7th - 9am Holy Communion, 10am All Together Service, (no evensong due to Deanery Evensong on 14th July)

14th - 10am Holy Communion, 6pm Deanery Evensong at All Saints Church, Pytchley

21st - 10am Holy Communion

28th - 10am Church Under The Trees (last one this year!) with Holy Communion (Butterfly Theme)

Everyone is welcome to join us for our services and we warmly encourage children. We have an area with books and toys for families and a toilet a short walk away in our Church Hall. Refreshments are served and friendship and fellowship encouraged after every Sunday 10am service in the Church Hall. Church Under The Trees takes place on the final Sunday in June and July this year, feel free to bring a chair or blanket with you and please dress for the outdoors.

July Events and Seasonal Services

8th - Pints of View at The Swan, from 8pm. Come and ask, listen, debate all questions great and small. Get in touch with Laura at allsaints.earlsbarton@outlook.com for any questions or further info.

21st - Young Adults, 7-9pm, contact allsaints.earlsbarton@outlook.com for this month’s location.

27th - Butterfly Weekend at All Saints Churchyard, 1-4pm, butterfly spotting, crafts, games and talks

28th - Butterfly Weekend continues with 9:45 moth trap discovery, 10:00 service and 11:00 butterfly cakes

Please pray for…

Joyful summer holidays for our children, teachers and parents in the village, those preparing for marriage for 2025 and for opportunities to rest, restore and recharge when the time comes.

Messages from Chad Chadwick, our Curate

On Sunday 21 July, we're launching a new, contemporary worship service, aimed at young people and young adults, but open to all.

We hope there will be 5 services every year, dates to be confirmed.

Here is an idea of what we will be doing:

19:00 Cake in the churchyard

19:10 Gather around the high altar (The Upper Room)

19:15 Candlelit worship. Storytelling.

19:25 Respond - conversation cafe, craft area or quiet reflection

19:45 Back together - an opportunity to share, worship and pray.

20:00 Finish

We'd love you to join us!

Contact Sarah Howes, Rev'd Chad or Tim Smith for details. 


All Saints' Butterfly Weekend

As part of the UK-wide Big Butterfly Count, join us for... 

Saturday 27th and Sunday 28th July

All Saints Churchyard, Earls Barton

Saturday 27th July


Butterfly spotting in and around the village

Wildlife Trust stall

Meet David James - County Butterfly Recorder

Help with our Butterfly Identification challenge

Butterfly stories, crafts and games

Sunday 28th July

09:30 Look inside the churchyard 'moth trap' to see what was flying the night before

10:00 Butterfly-themed service - Church Under the Trees

11:00 Butterfly cakes and drinks afterwards


Offers of cakes, including some butterfly themed, would be very welcome. Please let Nicola know if you are able to help with this.


Why not Download the App and join in with the Big Butterfly Count between Friday 12th July and Sunday 4th August. Choose a place to spot butterflies and moths and watch for 15 minutes, then come and tell us what you spotted!

See Nicola Smith or Rev'd Chad for details


Message from Charlotte Hobbs

JaM will be on 21st July – an opportunity to be outside in our JaM garden and to think about how we might be good shepherds to those who might be lost, sad, and need some love and help.

 B1BS & BOBS runs until Tuesday 23rd July at the Methodist Chapel, 2-3:30pm before our summer break.  We would love to recruit some members from All Saints Church to come and serve coffee and cake, and to be another Christian person for them to meet.  Most of these families have no connection with the church, and do not know what we look like or are about.  It would be amazing for them to have the opportunity to meet you and find out what kind, loving and good people you are.  Please let Charlotte or Jackie know if you would like to offer us some help.

All In Together Service in September:  If you have grandchildren staying with you in the first weekend of September, or are back from holiday, remember that you are welcome to join our All In Together service on Sunday 4th September

 Looking to share faith with the oldest through to the youngest in our families this summer

Did you know that the most likely reason that an adult will be a Christian is because they grew up in a Christian family?  So how does a family share faith over this summer?  Look for the NOW moments when you spend time with your grandchildren, children, nephews, nieces, Godchildren and use these to share your faith.

  • Now moments– What is your grandchild/child/you noticing that needs attention right now?  Like seeing a friend who is sad – what could we do right now to help?

  • Ow moments – When something goes wrong for you, your grandchild/child – can you give them a window into how you ask God to help you. It might be something as simple as your grandchild/child feeling sad and disappointed about something, and just saying, ‘When I feel sad I find a hug helps, telling someone how I feel and talking to God about it.  We could talk to God quietly now….’ 

  • Wow moments – Perhaps you make a cake with your grandchild or see a creature on a walk or a beautiful sky and it makes you/your child/grandchild go “Wow!”  Why not turn this into a –“ This makes me think, Wow! I love making things like cake!  God loves making things too!  Thank you God!” Or “Wow, I wonder why God made this wonderful lady bird?” Or, “Wow!  God must love colours for us to have such a beautiful sky!”

It is wonderful when we can share our faith with another generation.  Most of all – have fun, enjoy spending time with one another, listen and be curious together.  You are in the best position to love and share faith with your families.



We’re excited to be running another mend event alongside our café & will have more than just sewing repairs this time so hope you can join us? Lots of us from EB Green Group will be there to help repair & learn together so come & chat, bring your repairs &/or your skills (do let me know if you'd like to help with the repairing!) and we’ll make things wearable/usable once more. Please look out for more details on social media & posters nearer the time….

We have lots of new tasty, fairly produced groceries, gifts & cards in our Spring/Summer range of beautifully ethical products.  Enjoy chatting, browsing our products & secondhand books, & fresh coffee & yummy homemade cakes.

Everyone welcome!

Email: nicky_smithseb@yahoo.co.uk     07812 686944


GREENBELT WEEKEND is on the horizon! 22nd - 25th August (Bank Holiday weekend) This lovely Christian festival takes place at nearby Boughton House, Kettering. We'd love to have lots from our church family of all ages going. Join us this summer for a weekend of music, comedy, craft, theatre, dance, food, spirituality, talks, and more. Some of us will go for the weekend but it would be great to have a group going on the Saturday for the day and perhaps teaming up for a picnic lunch.If you're interested in finding out more or thinking of going along please talk to Nicola, Bob, Jenny or Chris as we'll be there!


Friends of All Saints

The Friends of All Saints are a charitable body whose remit is to raise funds to assist in keeping the fabric of the church in good repair. Last year a significant donation was made towards the cost of the internal decoration. Two or three events are held each year to raise these funds and the committee are looking for people to join them the help plan these future events. If you are interested, please contact their Chairman, Mike Nichols for more details.

email: mikeandtricia@virginmedia.com

 An example of their Fundraising is below. Please support this event if you are able.

 “Yukes of Chaos” will be performing in All Saints Church on Saturday 3rd August 2024 from 7-00pm to 9-30pm. The cost is £10 per ticket. A licenced bar is available (bring your own snacks!!!)  Tickets are available from Jeyes, Earls Barton Library & Bob Watts on 07814579095 or 01604 811688. This is the main fund raiser.

Many thanks for your support,

Best wishes Graham Halsall (membership Secretary).



August 2024 Newsletter


June 2024 Newsletter